Saturday, December 19, 2009
it is good to think upon all the little things that God has put into our lives to make it so that we rely upon Him. sleep being one, but then also eating, drinking, breathing. these are all things that God designed for our survive, dependance, and also enjoyment. oh that we serve a Being that love us so much so as to give us things that we would not imagine for our enjoyment so that we have yet another thing to give Him praise for. to have a God who knows us perfectly and gives us only the things that will make us more like Him in the end - if we are His children.
it is interesting and fun to think that one day, we will be like God in a more close sense, for while now we are similar to His slightly, for we are created in Him image. one day we will be perfect and that will allow us to commune with Him which will be glorious. the things of this world will pass away and be replaced with a new world where we will be serving and praise God for all eternity and that will completely satisfy us to the fullest. we will want nothing more. i'm excited, hopeful, and longing after that time that is to come. we are here for a mere moment before we pass into eternity. make this moment count for it is the only one that has any influence upon the eternity to come.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
hard times
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
a light re-lite
now then, how should we live our lives? how are you living your life? are you living to see how much stuff you can get or how many friends you can make on facebook? or do you live your life trying to impact the future? does your life have meaning? you must ask yourself this question. do not continue going through life living for yourself. you must do something more. see reason. to waste a life on things to gratify yourself when they won't even fulfill you is not a life but a depression. to look for meaning in places that will drive you everywhere but where actually meaning exist is not good but a journey that will quickly wane to the point of failure.
look to something better. anne looked to one thing and this one thing, she wanted everyone that she ever met to know about this thing because she knew that this thing could and would satisfy everyone for eternity. she knew that you would have to look not further in order to find the meaning in your life, that you could actually then live a life that is worth living. she pointed towards Christ. she lived for Him and she lived Him out. she did not merely claim Christ but she walked with Him. her life had meaning because of this. her life will be remember with this in mind. everyone who knows her will remember this about her, this is what she would want to be remember: Christ, not her. she would rather have you look at Christ then anything that she ever did. so i ask you now, look to Christ. stop living for this life and start to live for the next. live for significance and not for success. live with purpose. live with joy. live with Christ.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
belief = something else
this post will focus basically entirely on the word "believe" just so that you who are reading this will be aware.
webster's new world dictionary definition of believe: to take as true, real; to trust a statement or promise of (a person); to suppose or think; to have faith
vine's concise dictionary of the bible: greek word pisteuo meaning to believe, to be persuaded of, to place confidence in, to trust, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence.
while i would say that these definitions are similar, the english definition is slightly misleading to the point of the verse. i would truly love to unpack this word and shed some light on what i believe this verse is meaning.
i have no idea how long i have been saved and if you were to hear my testimony, you would understand why i have a hard time pin-pointing my conversion. however, i do know that i have been saved for the past year and a half and i have been putting in quite a bit of study time since then, trying to make up for wasted, lost time in my life. in the time, i have yet to read, heard, or experienced anything that is contrary to what i am thinking about this passage.
in salvation, we have something glorious, something that we should not want to give away for any reason, a thing that brings us untamable joy and assurance, a relationship with Christ.
i enjoy sitting a sipping at a nice, hot cup of coffee, i like the taste of it and i really like the caffeine that is in it that wakes me up so that i can actually function through out the day. i bring this up because, while this is simplified, Christ should be the same way for us. we should crave those quiet time with Him, He should be our sustenance for the day, that thing that gets us through a long hard day. He is always with us through prayer and meditation on scripture.
there is only one way to get through life, present and eternal, and that way is through Christ. as acts 16:31 says, all we must do it to believe on Christ. yet what does that constitute. there are no qualifiers or limiters in this verse on this phrase so that has to mean that we must believe on Christ to the fullest extent. not only that He created the world, but that He can and is the only one to save us. i think that many of us see both of those though and we can reckon with that and still live life basically the way that we want. however, Christ doesn't want us to live the life that we want, He wants us to live the life that He wants (because it is best for us but i won't get into that in this post).
God created us in His image. He created us for His glory. how do we bring glory to Him? by worshiping, praising, and living for Him, but making Him our all. this is what we are to do. when we say that we believe in Him (a believe that leads to eternal life), we are also saying that we believe that He is the only person in whom we can find enjoyment.
He must be the only thing that we find joy in. this doesn't mean that all we do is read our bibles and pray all day, but that in everything we do, we realize that it is truly from God, that we wouldn't have it unless He gave it to us, and we are enjoying it in a way that would please Him, and praise Him and thank Him for it. it is not enough to live a life that upholds the law of scripture if we do not have the attitude of scripture as well. if you up hold every outward law, yet partake in every inward law, then you are a white-washed tomb, full of dead men's bones, on the slow and easy path to eternity to hell.
wake up and smell the roses and the sweet life that could be yours in Christ. this world only looks appealing until you've tasted, chewed, and digested the goodness of Christ.
(while writing this, my mind wasn't working well, and i was slightly, completely scatter-brained so hopefully this makes sense.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
power of prayer
when peter, the fisherman, wrote his letters that ended up in our bible, all he had was what he had been through and prayer. he was a simple and uneducated man, yet his works have lasted and will last until the end of time.
prayer is the key to unlock all the doors and gates to the scriptures. God is faithful to give to those who merely ask. ask for answers and He will be sure to give them to you. as christians, we have the Spirit of God in us who is wanting to reveal the secrets of God to you, but He is simple waiting for you to ask Him to reveal it to you.
pray and ask, God is good, He will give it
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
light of the world
"you are the light of the world. a city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
this is speaking to christian. if you claim Christ, this should be you.
light is the one of the things in this world that we can not live without. we need light of some sort, preferably sunlight. there is very little that we can do with no light, sleep and breathing are about the only things that we could excel at in absolute darkness. in plainness, we need light.
as christians, we are that light. we should be helpers, teachers, counselors, preachers, workers, instructors, and friends in everything that we do. lights are useful and in the same way, we should be too. we should be the people that everyone wants to do the work because we do it right and fast. we should be the ones that people call for help, not oprah or dr. phil.
a light in a dark room can not be ignored, so we too should be the same way. this does not mean that we are obnoxious but bright. we should have attention on us. if people want light, they will gather towards us, and if they strive to be in darkness they will shun us, but either way, we should be noticed and a response should have to be made, we should not, and can not blend in to the crowd. there is one time that we are to be obnoxious though, and that is when we are so bright in the current situation, that all others not of the light will have to shield their eyes from you and push you away. this can happen in two situation: either the light is so bright or the darkness is so thick, either way people will not like the light.
if you are not liked though, that is ok. for as the light goes forth and pierces the darkness, it can and should cause sparks, which God can then make into a new flame, which is all the more glorious. when hit with a spark, it hurts, people don't like it. but when that spark starts a fire, it doesn't hurt but makes more of itself (that kinda breaks down but that is ok, cuz fire actually does hurt, but whatever, figure out what i'm trying to say). when a new fire is started, it not longer cares but getting hit by the spark but does in fact, love it and will love the light. this is what we want, more fire.
fire is sustained by fuel, this fuel is the Word and prayer (among other things such as fellowship, etc. ). so if our fuel is the Word and prayer, then should be reading all we can and then praying about it as much as we can. this things go together and make us better.
i have more on this but it is now time for work
go forth and be bright lights. examine your lives to see if there is anything that Christ is revealing to you that will make you even brighter lights.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
and the time of death?
so, first on time after death. since we know that God is outside of time and that time was in fact made for it's usefulness to man, i believe that when we die, it will instantly be the end time because we will then be outside of time as well. there will be no more day or night. so while time may in fact pass, it won't matter to us, it will all be the same. i have no real solid scripture for this, it's just a thought at the moment to me.
but with that, i am excited to die, not only because it means the end of this life, but mostly because it is the beginning of the next life. i am excited for the second coming and to see Christ fully glorified to the upmost. He will finally display all His glory for all man to see, believers and unbelievers and we will all bow the knee and worship Him, which will be a great and marvelous day. the sad part is that some will then be sentence to eternity in hell. which since there is not day or night for the time pieces that God had set up at the beginning are done away with, eternity will seem like one day and that day will last forever. that forever though will be either in agony or in utter rejoicing and praise to God. i look forward to singing with a good voice and learning for all of eternity about the character of God. i pity those who have not been elected to have God's pleasure bestowed upon them. however, with that, since we don't know who it is that is elect, we should be evangelizing to all of those that are around us. for if we know of the gift or curse that will coming in the end, we should be excited about it and telling everyone and wishing no one to hell for lack of telling. we should not be selfish enough to keep the glory of God to ourselves because we are afraid of what men might think. men are stupid, in generally, and it doesn't matter what they think, only God and eternity matters. we have a mere 80ish years on the earth to do what it is that we are going to do, and in that time, what we do will effect all of our eternity. don't think that you get 80 years, think and live like you will get only one more minute, and at the end of your 80 years, you will be proud of how you have lived them, never regretting but glad of how you spent them.
go out and live, for tomorrow we die :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's superman
the normal little man syndrome is that a small person get big toys, basically. this one though is that a little person, i.e. a human, looks to "big people" i.e. super heroes, instead of the original big person. we all love to be friends with the biggest guy cuz we then have protection from everything, or at least everything that is smaller then the person. we long for this and we need it. we like to feel protected. we like to watch people with god-like powers because we like to feel protected or important or powerful.
God was, and is, and is to be the first and only big person. we are like this in our nature because God made us this way in order that we would be in awe of Him. we love to watch super powers because we love to be amazed. God has ever super power and more, He has all power, yet so few tend to look to Him. we might say because we can't see His power, but just watch a sun rise and you see His power in moving the sun into the correct position of the sky, providing light for us, and making it all beautiful to our eyes, all at the same time. He could have simple made light, like He did the first day, and not have given us all the beauty to go along with it. God is good though and He wants to do those things for us, so that we have even more reasons and reminders to praise Him for it. we are under and can be best friends with the God we created the world in a word, flooded the world with a word, clothed the lily in it's beauty, and who saved us from our depravity. we should be looking to Him all the more and forgetting about the people who have only imaginary powers. look to the one who has all power.
Monday, July 27, 2009
the mind of a child
so, why the change? how do we go from simple having fun to thinking only of the things of the next world? while i may only be 19, it seems to me that the closer we get to death or the time that is suspected for death to come, the more we tend to think on it. no baby thinks of death, but a 110 year old person should have it constantly on their mind.
while this may be the norm, what if it wasn't? the old are always saying how they wished they would have lived while the young are always saying how they are going to live but what if the old lived how they had wished while the young would live as they plan. much more would be accomplished if the youth embraced their youth and if the old would train to youth how to do it.
i am a 19 year old who shook hands with death then turned and came back. i would say that i am one of the few youths who are living as the elder because i now feel like the elder. with this though, even though i have made mistakes that i already regret, i now can live the life that i would have wanted to live if i had lived to an old age. the youth must start to act old when they are young so that when they are old they will then have a life that they can be proud to have. we must live the lives that we plan and not just simple plan them.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
blessed? or cursed?
also, thinking upon this more also brought to mind David in the Old Testament. in 2 Samuel 24:10-14 david got into trouble and he is faced with a choice of three punishments, one from nature, one from man, and one from God. David choose to be punished by God because he would rather put himself into the hands of a merciful God rather then into any of situation. now if david could trust God in punishment, shouldn't we also trust Him in everyday life? the answer is yes, for we do serve a merciful, loving God who wants the best for us. this does not mean that we get what we want because what we want is not generally what is best for us. we must learn to submit, wait, trust, and then to see the fruition of God's blessings, for even a "curse" can turn out to be a blessing.
a 17 year old athlete dying would seem like a curse, but a year later, no one who was effected by the boys death and resurrection would change what had happened, because we can now see that through this "curse" huge blessings came from it, whether it be learning to trust God, learning what to do with one's life, or anything else that someone else might have experience through it all. our God is good, we must learn to fully believe that, and trust that our good God will bring about good for us.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
duality of man
with these passions, there must be a balance, with the balance tipped towards God. how are we to accomplish this if the things of this world are ever pressing, to the point that we forget the God who is ever present. a correct view of God will help us, as well as putting things that we would trip and fall over that will remind us of our great God. the greatest help to us though it prayer, for that one thing helps to strengthen us and allows us to commune with God, with no need of a priest. this is the best of blessings, to be able to call on God.
of God's faithfulness
it is also shown more fully, however through His faithfulness to remember and fulfill all of His promises and prophesies. He is the only one who has never failed and will never fail because He tells us that He will never fail. all other beings and religions have fallen at some point, but God is perfectly faithful and has not lied yet.
He is faithful
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
man's man
while watching this, i actually got sick to my stomach and had to fight tears because i wanted to be like that to my future family (if God wills). looking into tarzan's actions further though, it is not so much that he can do all that stuff that is amazing, but the fact that he is willing to try. it is not the fact that he can kill the leopard, but that he is willing to try to fight it in order to save those that he loves. while i can never even run after a guy, one thing that i am willing to do is to die for someone i care for. i know for sure that if given a choice, i would gladly give up my life for just about anyone for the simple fact that 1) i know where i am going when i die 2) that place that i am going is going to be amazing 3) i would rather leave this life then to have someone else leave it who is perhaps not ready to die or who may enjoy this life more then i would enjoy it or the fact that i could perhaps not stand to live without that person (such as my unknown future wife or current family) 4) perhaps my sacrifice could bring about the one who i saved salvation which would be worthy of dying 1000 times or more in order to save that one soul (though it is really Christ through Scripture that saves).
so, while i may not be a worldly man's man because i can do actually very little, i hope that i can say and that it can be said of me that i am a God's man, for that is all that really matters to me and all that really actually matters.
life isn't worth living if you don't have something higher to live for
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Of Sin
Sunday, April 26, 2009
youth is wasted on the youth
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
faithful servant
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
all is profitable
Monday, March 9, 2009
be ready
Thursday, March 5, 2009
steak and potatoes
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
day 1
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
stumbling child or falling brother
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
although the name is no longer around, baal is still prevalent in the world today. people always go to someone or something to help them in their time of need and spend their time with who or what it is and yet it does not work. only by depending on the one true God can anything happen and work out. God will take care of us, for we are more important then the sparrows. God took care of elijah by bringing him food and protecting him from the people of the land and because of his faith in God, God also blessed a poor widow and her son because of the faith shown by elijah.
application: who knows, God could use anyone like elijah to bless those around us if we are willing to follow Him without question. we must be ready to follow Him though and we must know where we are to go. the only way to know that is to study the Word of God diligently and apply it to our lives. i would like to implement more personal bible study time into my life and i plan on doing this probably starting next week. i am going to start to go through the book of john, looking to learn more about the life of Christ and the person of the Son of God. after or during if I find that time to short, i am going to study ephesians and then probably work through all of the epistles because i like them a lot and they are very applicable, especially for young Christians.