while this meal is generally referred to the heartiest of meals, what i am getting this week is better. it is just plain awesome. while this week is awesome though, what happens when i get back home? how am i going to be getting fed then? well, you might say church, but i think that you are wrong. to keep with food, church should be the coffee at the end of the meal and not the meal itself. we should all be eating throughout the week, eating good, heavy meals so that when sunday and church comes along, it is not our only meal, but our way to enjoy the meal better.
have you ever had a couple of cups of coffee after you eat a big meal? guess what it does to you? a couple of things:
first, it compliments the food. it doesn't really fill you up any more, though it does make the rest of the meal taste better. it you go to church on sunday after a good week of bible study, reading and prayer, church is just an enforcement and encouragement to your walk, something to inspire confidence as you become more like Christ.
second, coffee helps to start digestion. when you eat a big meal, your stomach kinda starts to hurt and such cuz there is so much food in there and it just isn't made to handle it all that well, coffee helps to generate some stomach acids to help with that. church is the same way, it should help us to understand scriptures all the more so that during our own time of study, we will be able to better understand what we are wrestling with, it promotes bible study.
and lastly, coffee helps to energize. after a meal, your body sends all the blood to the stomach to help with digestion, this causes some sleepiness in the person, turkey coma is a common term around thanksgiving. coffee helps with this with it's great amounts of good caffeine. this is the fellowship part of church. while we may have a hard week with work or the family or kids or school or whatever, church will be there at the end of the week to help encourage and excite you for the week to come, even though it may be the same and you know it to be the same. this came, however, only come if you are studying the word and that it is active in you. this one only comes if the other two are present. a believer who is in the word should love church and be excited to go to church and should leave even more excited and encouraged and more ready to go out in to the world and show off Christ all the more after church.
so go out and eat some good meals and then go and get the coffee, it is the way that it is meant to be and it works oh so much better cuz coffee doesn't do well on an empty stomach, it will eventually erode the stomach lining which isn't very pleasant. this might not happen with church, but it doesn't actually with coffee.