Saturday, April 23, 2011

Book Review: "Culture Shift"

I know a little about Al Mohler and I know that he is really, really smart. Smart people generally are not good at writing books for normal people. Honestly, this book wasn't that difficult to understand. I did have to look up a few words that he used but his writing style is very clear and he covers a huge range of topics in this short book. I would suggest this book for juniors and seniors in high school. The language will challenge them but the topics are ones that they will be facing by that time in their lives. I wish I would have read this when I got it my senior year of high school.
In the book, Mohler goes over topics that you would find in the daily new: politics, abortion, public school, evil in the world; and he takes them, analyzes them for what they are, and then gives a way to handle them in a biblical way. He quotes people from the respective fields in one chapter and then refutes them in the next. It is a little limited in it range of topics but it is a small book and I don't think is meant to be all-encompassing guide to our culture but rather an introduction, something to cover the "BIG" topics in the news. With that in mind, it is quite good. If you are up-to-date with the news and think through it biblically on a regular basis and want to learn more, I would suggest to find a bigger book. If you are a sheltered, private school kid like me, this is a good place to start, a place to get your feet wet from a guy who is trustworthy and amazingly gifted.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving your book reviews! They definitely encourage me to be reading more!
