Sunday, March 15, 2009


in general, people never stop talking. they are always telling something to someone about something that happened somewhere. yet in all that talking, there is little substance, in general, and if there is substance, is it really good? 
the most eloquent of writers and speakers could relate the most beautiful of messages about our great God, yet they would not come close to touching the magnitude of His great glory. they could spin the best of lines in such a way so as to stun an audience, yet it would shine as dimly as a candle compared to the sun. there is nothing that man can do or say that could ever possible hope to communicate the vastness of the power of our magnificent God.
so the next question would be, why do any of it? why talk about Him, why write about Him, why praise Him? because we are commanded to, for if we don't, the very rocks will cry out with the praises of our King. we can do Him no justice, yet we will spend all eternity trying to, and we will love doing that, and love Him for allowing us to, and in return, He will love us for He created us. oh that we have a merciful and gracious Redeemer that care for what He created, or else we would be little more then dust and ashes. glory be to God


  1. Well said:)
    Grant, I am enjoying your postings and getting a glimpse into your heart and thoughts. God is changing you. Continue to be in His Word and prayer and let Him work.

  2. What happened to the blogging? You wrote amazing things of what God hs done in your life, prepering your heart for what ever Gd has planned. Way to go Grant, its been fun to watch you grow into a godly young man.
