Thursday, July 2, 2009

man's man

well, i just finished watching the disney movie "tarzan" and while this is a completely vile movie because it is laced with the evolutionary hypothesis (thanks leila) which is slowly conveyed to the children who watch the movie in a way that they love, tarzan is a man's man. he kills a leopard with a spear, which i can safely say that i will never do, and can tree surf which is pretty cool.

while watching this, i actually got sick to my stomach and had to fight tears because i wanted to be like that to my future family (if God wills). looking into tarzan's actions further though, it is not so much that he can do all that stuff that is amazing, but the fact that he is willing to try. it is not the fact that he can kill the leopard, but that he is willing to try to fight it in order to save those that he loves. while i can never even run after a guy, one thing that i am willing to do is to die for someone i care for. i know for sure that if given a choice, i would gladly give up my life for just about anyone for the simple fact that 1) i know where i am going when i die 2) that place that i am going is going to be amazing 3) i would rather leave this life then to have someone else leave it who is perhaps not ready to die or who may enjoy this life more then i would enjoy it or the fact that i could perhaps not stand to live without that person (such as my unknown future wife or current family) 4) perhaps my sacrifice could bring about the one who i saved salvation which would be worthy of dying 1000 times or more in order to save that one soul (though it is really Christ through Scripture that saves).

so, while i may not be a worldly man's man because i can do actually very little, i hope that i can say and that it can be said of me that i am a God's man, for that is all that really matters to me and all that really actually matters.

life isn't worth living if you don't have something higher to live for


  1. If you are thinking this way now, wait until you actually have a family of your own and it will really be set for you.
    For sure Heaven is going to be awesome and you know I too am ready and willing to trade all that this life has to offer. I think that it is not whether we do and don't end up giving our physical lives up for another as much as the willingness to lay down our lives so that others might live; to lay down our lives so that He might live through us.
    I love you Grant. I am very proud of you.

  2. Another reason you might not be hesitant to die for someone is that you've died already, and so the fear of the unknown is not an issue. :)

    Seriously, as your dad said, this sentiment only intensifies with the number of people in your charge. I wish I would have begun thinking sacrificially as early as you obviously have. This is truly masculine: living for others, and being willing to die for them. And we all know this; a life lived for others is the only one worth living. That's why we cheer when Tarzan lifts the limp, black panther carcass from the pit.
