Thursday, September 17, 2009

power of prayer

of all the resources, books, and skills of handling literature that i have and have been taught, the most useful thing that i know when it comes to studying scripture is something that all believers have and that is the power of prayer.

when peter, the fisherman, wrote his letters that ended up in our bible, all he had was what he had been through and prayer. he was a simple and uneducated man, yet his works have lasted and will last until the end of time.

prayer is the key to unlock all the doors and gates to the scriptures. God is faithful to give to those who merely ask. ask for answers and He will be sure to give them to you. as christians, we have the Spirit of God in us who is wanting to reveal the secrets of God to you, but He is simple waiting for you to ask Him to reveal it to you.

pray and ask, God is good, He will give it

1 comment:

  1. "pray and ask, God is good, He will give it".

    This morning I was reading Matthew 5-7 and I was overwhelmed by how much there's in there...but I had quite a few questions left at the end of the reading and thought "you're gonna have to read this again tomorrow to get the messages of this passage at least a little bit more clearly."
    Every once in a while (for example today:)) I check the one28 webpage to find out whats going on in Marysville...and I couldn't believe which topic you preached on last Sunday. Thanks for the sermon. It's amazing to see how God is in control of everything and if one of his daughters in Germany needs some answers, well he just uses one of his sons in Washington:). HE is so much greater than I ever dare to imagine.
    I'm looking forward to hear some more:).
    Greetings from Germany,
