Sunday, July 18, 2010

the joy of the Lord

it is fun to sit and listen to our church choir sing. i actually really enjoy this. there is something that i enjoy more than this though: to watch my brother John sing and listen and smile as he hears the words and music. he really loves to sing. it's awesome to watch. to think that God worked many crazy things together so that he could be here is something even more amazing. if God hadn't worked hundreds of things together, there would have been no way for him to be here now. yet here he is, sitting next to me, listening and singing songs to God. please continue to pray for him, we are not certain of the state of his soul. he understands sin, though i'm not sure as to how much he understands atonement and Christ's work on the cross for him. he really is a great kid.

it's also great to watch my other brother Garrett sing in the choir this year. he just started in the choir but he has always loved to sing, even though it bugs me at times. he is seriously always singing. i wish that i was like that. as christian, we are always to be singing our saviors praise, he does things. he really is always singing, even in the shower at times. it is cool to watch him grow up. he is still very much a kid most of the time with his friends, but he is good at being serious when he needs to be. he just needs to learn when to be serious at certain times, because unless he is called or told to lead, he doesn't so much. he'll grow up though, he is the most disciplined person i know so i know that it is just a matter of time. i do wish i could have fun like him. my idea of fun isn't so fun, i generally just read or something, but people love him. he really is a huge leader, i just am not sure how much he realizes this. anyways, i've got off topic. it has been great to watch him sing on sundays and then also tonight at the concert.

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