Monday, April 5, 2010

and here we go

i just finished habakkuk this morning as i am reading through the bible and it struck how these men where prophesying about the destruction of nations and how the people alway thought that they were fine and that the end was not near. then the end came and they were killed and basically all went to hell.
it is interesting to read this about something that happened 2700 years ago (i'm guess at the date, i'm not really sure how long ago it was but i should be in the ballpark for the date) and it happened back then, meaning that the destruction did come. so what of today? in the NT there are multiple references about how we are in the last days and that was over 2000 years ago, so what are we in now, the moments? so if we are in the last moments, shouldn't we be using our last moments for what really matters and what really counts? we need to step up and live like it is our last day because it could very well be our last day. we have no idea when the lord will be coming back so we should get up and do the work that we are told to do.
we must be active

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