Friday, April 22, 2011

Book Review #1

I'm on a bit of a reading rage right now so I figured I might as well post reviews of the books I have read. These will not be extensive reviews because my mind doesn't work that way. They will be more summarize of the books as well as pros and cons. The first one up is "Heaven Misplaced" by Doug Wilson. Bethany recommended it to me to read to get some background that post-millennialism. I have huge respect for Doug Wilson mainly because my sister totally loves to read him and she hates to read. I've listened to some of his stuff before and I liked what I heard from him so I figured I would give this a try.
His writing style is great. He is well informed and he writes in a clear way so that most anyone can read his books, which is good because some scholars learn so much that they forget how to be simple for the sake of the people, Wilson doesn't. He uses words well and doesn't throw them away. He isn't near the artist that his son N.D. Wilson is but I won't hold that against him.
Now the content: I will say that I don't know much about the view that he is talking about in his book and so I am going to have to read other books to get a firmer grasp on the topic of post-millennialism but I would say that this book is a good introduction to the topic. He covers quite a bit of scripture but I don't feel like he explained any of it too deeply. I wouldn't hold that against him though because this is meant to be more of an introduction and not a college textbook but because I am now to this viewpoint, I don't feel like he explained it enough to convince me to change though he did a good job of making me curious. I do think that he takes some cheap shots at the pre-millennialists a few times but again, I wouldn't hold that against him because the shots he takes, are problems with many who are pre-millennialists and so the shots should be taken. I don't think he is meaning to offend with his comments, just merely to poke so as to cause irritation so that something might change.
As for the view of post-millennialism vs. pre-millennialism, I think that post solves some problems while adding others and the problems it adds aren't problems that I would prefer to have. I did find it interesting because some of the things that he harped upon are things that I totally agree with, such as Christ being in sovereign control now, and he made it sound like it was a view only taken by the post. Perhaps I am a hybrid, I don't know, I just know that I saw his view point in scripture and thought that most people believed this way. any ways, there is my brief review of the book. If anyone reads this, I hope it is helpful and if it is, please say so and I will write more reviews in the future.

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