Monday, February 2, 2009

alien and strangers

a friend of mine recently became saved and she and her siblings decided to tell their parents about their new found faith. the parents did not respond well and told them to recant, or they would be removed from all christian influences. from what i know, they did not recant and they still are going to be allowed to return to grace. all praise be to God for truly saving these people and for working through them. may they bless their parents and may the Lord work through them to save their parents.
it is all providence that God placed these kids into a christian school and that they were saved through it all. now God is working through them to get to their parents. it is so great to see our great God working in the lives of the people around us.

this story is true, and it should do one, or many, things to our lives. it should challenge us all to stand up to the people of this world and proclaim Christ all the more. for how can a new believer stand up to their parents while we who have been saved, for a while, can not even stand up to a stranger about our faith. shame on us. we should be all the more zealous by now with our time to grow in Christ.

pray that you may be convicted on your half-hearted evangelism so that you may have boldness as these new believers do. i see this even in my own life as i often fail to see opportunities to share the gospel as i should share it to the unbelievers around me. i pray that God will give me opportunities to share so that He might work through me and so that He may be shown off and gloried in. nothing to do with me, i just want to be used.

1 comment:

  1. If we pray for opportunities, God will surely give them.
    I have prayed on the way to a meeting for an opportunity to share Christ and have sometimes taken it and sometimes have failed to. When I am leaving that meeting, and have taken the opportunity, it is one of the most joyful times, because God worked through me; I would never do it on my own, it's too hard. On the other hand, when I have not shared of God's goodness and side stepped the opportunity, because I succumb to my weak flesh, I am so sad, because He gave and I didn't give Him glory.
    Pray, but be ready to give an account of the hope that lies within you.
