Wednesday, February 4, 2009

grammatically incorrect

so, a friend of mine asked me today if i would please capitalize some of the words on my post, such as "i" or the beginning of sentences. i had to decline and reply "no" however. there is, in fact, a reason for my lack of punctuation. which i guess wasn't completely obvious, and i think that it should be obvious.

as well as i can remember, i have left every name and word uncapitalized except for those relating to Christ and God. i am not writing a paper or anything, so i do not need to capitalize and i believe that the only things that are worth capitalizing at all times are those things which are truly important, which rules out all things except the various names and persons of God.

hate me for this is you like, though my conscience is clear before God, but i don't really care if you do hate me :) in the nicest possible way of not caring.

we serve a great God who deserves all respect, and i shall do my best to give it to Him. if i can downplay all other things and raise Him up by the simple use of capitalization, then i will, for He is worth it all.


  1. He is worthy of our praise, even in capitalization.

  2. I certainly do not hate you, I promise, and I understand - I make a point to always capitalize Him.

    You can't convince me your lack of comma usage is glorfying to Him, though ;).

  3. nope, commas aren't a part of that whole thing. trying to work on that one though. i've never been good with commas, so yeah. oh well
