Tuesday, February 17, 2009

bug to a light

earlier tonight i was reading "mortification of sin" by john owen and a new thought about mortification came to me from the book. it is that the first action in mortification is not turning from sin, but turning towards God. if we first turn to God, turning from sin will be a natural action and work of the Holy Spirit in us. the closer we are to God, the less we will sin and the more our mortification is complete. 
it is like walking towards a giant light, like the sun. when we first turn towards it, we cast a huge shadow, but the closer we get to the light, the less of a shadow we cast until eventually, we are one with the light and cast no shadow for the light envelopes us. 
God is the light while the shadow is the sin the still holds some hold over us. 
we should pursue the light like a bug does, flying towards it out of shock and awe of it, going towards it out of obsession; though instead of meeting our death at the light, we meet our life, God and Christ Jesus and oh what a wonderful day that will be when we finally do meet Them. 


  1. When sin no longer has a hold on us and we look into the eyes of our Savior for all of eternity, we will be free from the sin that so easily has beset us, and free to love Our Great God as He deserves to be loved; perfectly.
    Grant, it is so good that God is allowing you to see this so early in your life. He can do a great work with a life devoted and spent for Him. Keep reading and praying and God will continue to work out His plan in your life.
    I am praying that He would use you for His glory tonight as you speak in 128. Seek Him and let Him do the talking. You have been faithful to study, He will be faithful to give you the words to say.
    Don't slow down in your pursuit of Christ.

  2. Nice observation! Its all a matter of motivation/perspective. If we are simply "turning from sin" we fail to see the point that we are striving for the God who saved us. Come to think of it, I've heard a message on this somewhere before...

    09SR Session 3
