Friday, February 13, 2009

jimminey cricket

in acts 24, paul is speaking to felix the governor. felix soon becomes convicted and sends paul away. 
now, while we may not be able to send people away, often times we simply tune out the source of our conviction. conviction is good though, it is what shows us our sins and is what tells us what is right. it is our little cricket, hence the title. as people who enjoy the things of this world to often, i believe that we dismiss our conviction and may even be encouraged to dismiss them because they aren't "relative" to us. that's crap. there is one law, one way, and one truth, and we must follow that one way. 
stop living your life for yourself and live for something that is better. live for Christ; live for God and He will make life worth living. the world will seem empty until we turn to the one and only thing that can fill us, which is Christ. 
this is not a partial turn though, this must be a full turn. our entire self must be turn towards and running to Christ. He deserves all of our love, passion, actions, and desires. He is worth it too.

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