Sunday, February 1, 2009

joy through trials

paul is one of the most influential people in the church to this day, yet even he wasn't exempt in suffering. on the contrary, he suffered greatly for the cross and the message of Christ. so, if Christ suffered, and paul suffered, peter, stephen, and many others who professed Christ in the early church, shouldn't we too be suffering in the world today? yes, we should. some may say that we are suffering in the world, but we really aren't. being made fun of for your belief isn't suffering. no, we are mere children compared to the men of the early church. we should be fully ready to died for Christ, yet we will barely give anything up for Him. how wrong is this? completely. if we know Christ, we should love Him and know Him well enough to tell other people and then we should go out and tell other people. we should not be lazy and scared of this world but go out and evangelize it.

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