Tuesday, January 13, 2009


to have a crush on someone is, perhaps, one of the stupidest things ever. having a crush completely blinds a person from making any rational decisions. it may be fun to have a crush and to be in a relationship, but in all reality, it is stupid. people just get hurt and nothing comes from them. so, instead of acting upon emotions, think, and then act in ways that you think best, and that you would know the adults around you would approve. it isn't wise to make decisions based upon your own experiences, for you are blinds and sugar-coat every situation.

enjoy their company, and just leave it at that, at least for a couple of years. that way, you are actually able to get to know them. it's works much better this way, from what i have seen.

1 comment:

  1. I like it that you are thinking of others. You're thinking of the other young people, of the adults who are giving their approval or not, but the One we most should want to be pleasing is God. I know you know this.
    When we don't trespass where we don't belong, God will honor our chaste behavior and will in the end give us the desires of our hearts.
    Delayed gratification is something that many adults as well as young people don't practice.
