Saturday, January 24, 2009


i started to read the book "mortification of sin" by john owen today. i read the first two chapters and i would say that it is a great book so far. it has given me a few new views on sin and the struggle to kill it. i have never really noticed it, but something that the book talks about is how when we seem to be doing great with not sinning, then all of a sudden, we have a series of sins. the book talks about how when sin is silent is when it is most dangerous. i found that rather insightful. 
there was much more in these first chapters, but that is all i will say now on the book.
however, something that this book is causing me to think about it what i will i teach on for my last sermon in one 28. there are a couple of things that i want to teach on that i wish that i would have know or realized during my high school years. i am most strongly considering teaching on the 10 plagues plus a little extra, looking at how God shows off his power at this time, or finding a passage in romans that talks more about mortifying the flesh, which is something that i wish i would have known more about and also would have sought after more during my younger years. 

it is not that are we to try and be better people, but we are to seek to be like Christ, which is perfect. we can not do it on our own, but we must rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit. it is not a casual stroll but an all out battle for our very souls which will live on for eternity, location of life depending on this life now.

that is something that is kinda scary. we live a short time on this earth, 90 years being a long time. and the time that we spend here, will determine where we are for the rest of eternity. this life is not something that we should take lightly, but it should be a serious time, for us to grow into who we want to be for eternity. the older i get, the faster time goes by. i don't want to be 40 looking back and wondering where my life went and asking myself if i have lived my life the way i want to. i want to look back when i am 80 and dying and be glad of how i lived and ready to run into the arms of my best friend and most trusted companion, Christ. 

i want to live a life that i can be proud of when i am old and wise, not one that i think is fun now and then regret after the endorphins wear off. 

1 comment:

  1. So true. When we run hard after the prize and seek our joy and treasure in Christ then sin has less allure than when we are focused in the here and now for our satisfaction.
    Killing sin is truly an all out war, and sin doesn't wake up tired. When we first roll out of bed in the morning, sin will be crouching at our door, and how we attack our sin will greatly depend on the spiritual growth we have in our lives.
    God is good to allow you to see and desire these things early on in your life.
    Thanks for sharing. I will pray that He continues to reveal the things of Heaven to you and that He would construct your faith like a fortress, so when the evil one attacks your faith will stand firm.
