Thursday, January 8, 2009

sharps and flats

i would say that i am a person with very little if no musical talent, yet i am so grateful that God made music. at the moment, my favorite christian CD is Enfield, "o for that day" it has great music and even greater lyrics, i would say. it is a true pleasure to let it influence my ears. also, for the past couple of months, i have been listening to a great deal of classical music. the composers that i listen to, when they were alive, most everyone claimed to some belief in Christ, so most of the music was written for the church, though alot of also just written for the sake of music. the good thing is that i dont know which is which, so i listen to all of it as if it were for the church and to God, so it is great to listen to the beauty of it and then to imagine what the composer with thinking about when he wrote it, whether it was God Himself, or some aspect of nature or whatever, i just love it. i love putting the music to a picture in my head and to just let it wash over me, and to contemplate God the whole while. the music is somewhat distracting though when trying to do homework, but oh well :)


  1. To which composers do you like to listen?

  2. Curtis is completely addicted to Enfield and Chasing Cadence. Both albums share a lot of the same songs. I love how you are blogging daily, but I am expecting this trend to end in a couple of weeks due to the snow retreat.
