Sunday, January 4, 2009

God knows what's best

my brother, jonathan sarr, james barnts, jonathan james, and i are all reading through the bible this year. tonight, while reading through matthew 2 a very interesting thing occurred to me. it's nothing new really, just something that struck me that is in a story that i have heard hundreds of times probably. it is that God told joseph to take mary and jesus to egypt because people a.k.a. herod, was trying to kill him. joseph had no idea what was going on, he just obeyed and in the end, it all turned out great and it all fulfilled all the prophesy. this is all really cool to me. i'm 18 now and about half way through my senior year in high school, so i am starting to think about having and family and such (haha, have to find a wife first, but yeah) and i don't know if i could just get up and move like that, it is a huge step of faith, and it works out, like it always does with God. i died about 9 months ago, and if i could, i would never change what happened to me. sure, i can't do alot of stuff that kids my age can do, but i am ok with that, i am in a better place then i was at, and i love it. my "event" woke me up to some stuff in my life, so i am grateful for it. people say they are sorry that this happened to me, i'm not, i might struggle with what i have to deal with at times, but when i am looking to God, everything is great. 
praise God
for everything
for He is great
don't forget it either :)

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