Monday, January 19, 2009


so tonight, at Sean Higgens ordination, i was faced with the fact that i would love for it to be said of me that i was like Sean when i am his age. he really isn't am old guy, yet from what i have seen of him, he has shown wisdom and maturity of men far beyond his years. i, then started to look for the reasons that i wanted this, and i can down to either that i was prideful and that i wanted to be recognized for something, or that i want God's name to be praised. i would like to think it is the second one, and i think it is partially, though i also know that it has some to do with my pride. i'm used to being in the center, and now that i'm not really, i can see why i would want to reach out for something that would push me back up. the good thing though, is that i know that the more time i spend in God's word, the more i will want it to be for Him and have none of it to do with me. already in my life i have seen the changed, and i hope that it will continue to change till it is Christ that is seen through me and no longer me at all. 


  1. God can use you and change your motives as you trust Him to bring about the change in your life. It is His will that we would love Him and want to serve Him, to share the gospel, to work hard at making disciples and to advance the Kingdom.
    As your dad, there would be no greater joy in my life than to have you be "another Sean, or Micah", but God has a different plan for each one of us, and my desire for you is that you would be exactly where and what God wants you to be; no more and no less.
    God can do great things with a man wholly devoted to Him. Be that man, and let Him take care of the rest.

  2. I know God will use you Grant (He already has!), but as your dad said, what type of tool He will fashion you into is as yet unknown. But GO for it. Be passionate for His kingdom, and He will bless that.

    Whenever we have nights like last night I get that nagging pride that says, "I wonder what people would say about me?" or, "I want to have that kind of impact!" Yet, especially as a woman, I know that the biggest influence I can have is with my children, and the hopes that perhaps I can be used by God to raise a man who can teach and live the Word like the great men of old.

    We must run with everything in us and pour ourselves out until there is nothing left. But, there are many precious Saints who have done just that, who no one remembers or praises, yet God has used them to make a massive impact on this world for His kingdom.

  3. Your post is very humbling for me. I appreciate the affirmation of God's work in my life, but that certainly is the key: it is all God's work. I have nothing that I have not been given, by God, through His Spirit, through His Word, and through His people.

    I also echo the comments of your dad and the Professor, that God has, and is working through you in significant spiritual, eternal ways. As I mentioned when you spoke in one28, I wish I was like you when I was in high school. You are leaps and bounds beyond where I was in maturity, and are much more faithful in the use of your giftedness.

    Thank you for being an example and encouragement to me.
